96% of people I meet struggle with "The Wandering Mind."
The other 4% don't want to admit it! (wink, wink)

This free guide will get you started!
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I've been reading the Bible for a long time. (If you consider 45+ years a long time.) The first 20 years, I didn't enjoy it very much. It was too big. Too complicated. Too overwhelming. Too boring. (Oooo...did he just say that? Yup.)
One of the big reasons was "The Wandering Mind."
I wanted to read. I wanted to focus. I wanted to understand. I wanted to remember.
But I couldn't even get a couple paragraphs - let alone chapters! - into reading the Bible without...well...my mind wandering.
It was SO frustrating!
Can you relate? If so...this guide will help you. After almost 30 years, these are the strategies that have helped me - and thousands of other Bible readers just like you.

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I hate getting spam. (So I won't send you any.) Unsubscribe at any time.