Next session begins January 14, 2025!
81% of people say they "want" to write a book.
Fewer than .01% finish. (Ouch!)
I'm going to help you START and FINISH your book!

Most people don't finish their first book because they don't have a plan.
What they have is a desire (and a million questions).
I've asked - and answered - those questions for 20+ years.
Most people WASTE 100's of hours...and 1,000s of $$$ (I know I have!)
- Paying for software they don't need.
- Hiring a high-priced editor
- Pursuing the wrong agent (or sometimes, any agent)
- Wasting money on the wrong marketing at the wrong time
- Waiting to get "signed" by a publisher
- Overpaying for interior layout and formatting
Here's a taste of the questions you will finally get answered...
- How do I identify my ideal reader?
- How do I make sure I am writing something people will want to read?
- How does one word make a massive difference?
- How do I outline my book?
- How long should my book be?
- What about cover design?
- What do I need to know about copyrights?
- What are my editing options?
- How do I actually make money on my book?
And that's just the beginning!
"Every vision needs a plan.
Without a plan, a vision is just a dream."
~ Keith Ferrin

Deborah Dull
"Thank you for taking the book journey with me. Your guidance, approaches, and experiences in publishing were invaluable and helped me have the confidence to get these ideas out into the world. From the premise, outline, hooks, cover, back cover, lessons on punctuation and of course – making sure the content was actually interesting – without question the book came out heads and shoulders above what I could have done on my own. Coaches are the best!!
I’m especially thankful for the pep talks to help me get the content out of my head and onto the page.”

Hey there. I'm Keith Ferrin.
I have spent the last 25+ years speaking on stages and writing books.
Over that time, I have had about every type of book-writing-and-publishing experience you could imagine.
A bit about me (since you probably want to know the guy who will be mentoring you)...
- I have self-published 10 print books (and heaps of eBooks).
- I have traditionally-published two books (with two different publisher).
- My traditional and self-published books have both been picked up by international publishers and translated into different languages.
- I've navigated contracts, marketing, distribution, and copyrights.
- I have been accepted (and turned down) by publishers.
- I have done my own layout and design work and hired it out.
- I have read and studied the process and I have coached others on their journey.
I have walked your journey, identified the time-wasters (and money-wasters) and learned how to avoid them.
I sincerely believe that the barrier of going from book idea to book-in-print has gotten smaller and smaller over the last few years.
Most people don't know that the process is simpler, faster, and way cheaper than it's ever been.
I would be honored to walk your journey with you.
Let's go!

What previous participants have to say...
"Having gone through Keith Ferrin’s My Finished Book program, I feel equipped to finish writing the book that is in my heart and to get it published and out into the world. I am convinced that Keith comes to us with a servant’s heart and that his first motivation is to take you through the entire process: from how to start, how to press on, and how to finish as economically as possible. He was there for me every step of the way and I absolutely do not regret the investment in myself and my legacy. - Serene Mendicino
"I’ve always wanted to be a writer, but I didn’t have the slightest idea what the tangible steps were to become one. Keith served as a mentor, encourager, and resource throughout this course, and by the end I had all the knowledge I needed to share my writing with the world. Whether you’re a first-time author, in the process of writing a book, or you're a lifelong writer, anyone can benefit from this hands-on course, through a credible, multi-book published author: Keith Ferrin!" - Makena Billington
The 6-Week "My Finished Book" Mentorship Program Includes...
6 Live Sessions (over 12 weeks)
This is NOT a webinar. This is live training with me (and the other participants). We can see and hear each other. I'll teach for a bit. And then we'll have Q&A so you always go away equipped, inspired, your questions answered, and armed with a plan of attack for the next seven days!

Every Question Answered
You're going to have questions I haven't thought of (though I hope not many after teaching this for so long). You can ask during the live training. You can also post in the private community and I'll answer your questions throughout the week.
Supportive Private Community
Nothing builds consistency like community. Nothing helps people get started better than community. Nothing provides support and feedback like community. Nothing helps you FINISH like community. And when that community is walking the same journey you's invaluable!

Downloads & Printables
Templates and checklists help you stay on task and stay on track. I will be providing you with templates to make you more productive and save you time!
1-on-1 coaching for book writing typically costs between $3,000-$10,000.
You can get your book finished for a fraction of that!

Michelle Nezat
"What I loved most about my writing/publishing training experience with Keith Ferrin was his accessibility. His thorough training answered the majority of my general questions about the writing and publishing process, but his personal touch increased the value of the training ten-fold.
The group experience is so beneficial, too. I learned from everyone in the group and the variety everyone brought to the table made me think outside of the box in my own niche."