How do you choose the best Bible translation?

(After all...there are SO many!)

These 2 free resources will help you decide!

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Nice to meet you!

I've been reading the Bible a long time. (If you consider 45+ years a long time.) The first 20 years, I didn't enjoy it very much. It was too big. Too complicated. Too overwhelming. Too boring. (Oooo...did he just say that? Yup.) 


For the last 30 years, I've been focused on helping people read, study, remember, apply, and ENJOY the Bible. 

I'm also a bit of a "Bible nerd." I love researching different Bibles, translations, and study tools. I understand it can be overwhelming! (But it doesn't have to be.) 

That's where these guides come in. I want to get you started on the right foot...and help you understand different translations so you can decide on the one that is right for you (and WILL be right for you for decades to come).



Where can I send your free guide?

I hate getting spam. (So I won't send you any.) Unsubscribe at any time.